

4-6 December 2017, the 4th Conference of Inter Academia Asia (IAA) Shizuoka, Japan
2017/12/24-6 インターアカデミアアジア 第4回会議 (静岡、日本) 

The 4th Inter-Academia Asia Conference
(An International Conference for Affiliated Universities in Asia)

For three days from December 4 through December 6, 2017, Shizuoka University hosted the Fourth Inter-Academia Asia Conference for its affiliated Asian universities at Hotel Associa Shizuoka. Roughly 70 people attended the conference, including the 18 guests (eight instructors and ten students) invited to the conference from eight universities in five foreign countries.

The first day’s round table meeting began with Shizuoka University Vice President and Director of the Organization for International Collaboration, Professor Shigehiko Suzuki, giving a history of the IAA’s activities. Professor Noriko Matsuda of the Organization for International Collaboration continued with the proceedings by presenting the internationalization efforts of the master’s degree programs at Shizuoka University and the eight attending universities. This presentation was followed by a discussion session in which attendees could share their opinions and ideas regarding these efforts. Examples of these internationalization efforts included admitting international students, establishing systems for sending students abroad, reinforcing language education, building joint research structures with international universities, and other initiatives common among all the universities, regardless of where they are. This presentation provided an opportunity to meaningfully exchange ideas on developing future international partnerships. The guest instructors and the Shizuoka University instructors who are conducting joint research with them joined the staff of the Organization for International Collaboration at the networking dinner held that Monday evening. Shizuoka University President Kiyoshi Ishii kicked off the dinner with his opening address, followed by self-introductions from all attendees. Amid the friendly atmospheres that continued throughout dinner, guests attending from Shizuoka University’s affiliated universities in five countries got to know each other much better. Vice Director of the Organization for International Collaboration and Professor of the Faculty of Informatics, Yasuto Shirai, ended the dinner with words of encouragement for the next day’s Young Researchers’ Conference.

On Tuesday, December 5, 21 Shizuoka University graduate students and ten graduate students from the guest universities took part in the Young Researchers’ Conference, giving presentations on their research. Twelve of the Shizuoka University students were from the Hamamatsu Campus, and Shizuoka University students gave presentations representing all six of the university’s master’s degree courses: science, agriculture, informatics, engineering, humanities and social sciences, and education. Guest instructors served as the chairs for each academic subcommittee, conducting question-and-answer sessions after each of the 15-minute presentations. The students presented the results of their normal research activities in English and answered the questions posed by their subcommittee’s chairs and instructors from Shizuoka University. This provided all attendees an opportunity to expand their knowledge of their peers’ research.

On the third day, Wednesday, December 6, the venue moved to the Shizuoka and Hamamatsu campuses, where our guests visited the graduate schools. At the Shizuoka Campus, guests from Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam visited the deans and representatives of the graduate schools of science, agriculture, education, and humanities and social sciences. They exchanged information and ideas on their respective research and education activities. At the Hamamatsu Campus, guests from India, Bangladesh, and Indonesia visited the graduate schools of engineering and informatics. In the afternoon, the visitors to the Shizuoka Campus took a tour of the city, enjoying the sights of its historical and cultural heritage, while getting a view of Mt. Fuji looking majestic against the clear blue sky.

With this fourth Inter-Academia Asia meeting, Shizuoka University has thus far seen attendees from 27 universities in ten countries. This conference helped to form the foundation for further exchange and cooperation among these universities, with its focus on the continued internationalization of master’s degree programs.

Turnout:Approximately 70 attendees, including international delegates( 8 faculty, 10 graduate students)

International MoU Partner Universities 8

⟨ Participating Universities ⟩

Gadjah Mada University , Indonesia
Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia
Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Kasetsart University, Thailand

Thammasat University, Thailand
University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam
University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
SRM University, India

Delegates and President Ishii

Round-table meeting

Young Researchers’ presentations

At Sunpu castle



12月4日月曜日、初日のラウンドテーブルミーティングは、静岡大学の鈴木滋彦教授(副学長・国際連携推進機構長)によるIAAの活動経緯の説明に始まり、松田紀子教授(国際連携推進機構)の議事進行により、招聘8大学と静岡大学の修士課程における国際化の取組に関する事例発表と意見交換を行いました。各大学の修士課程の国際化の取組事例は、海外からの留学生の受入・及び国内学生留学派遣体制の整備、語学教育の強化、海外の大学との国際共同研究体制の構築など、国を超えた大学間で共通性のあるものが多く、将来的な国際連携の発展を考える上で有意義な情報交換の機会となりました。同日夜のネットワーキング夕食会には、招聘教員と共同研究を行う静岡大学の教員、国際連携推進機構の教職員も参加しました。冒頭に石井潔静岡大学長による歓迎の挨拶があり、終始和やかな雰囲気の中、全参加者の自己紹介を行い、5か国の協定校から参加している招聘者間の交流も深まりました。会の終わりに白井靖人教授(情報学部・国際連携推進機構副機構長)から、明日のYoung Researchers Conference(学生研究発表)の応援の言葉がありました。

12月5日火曜日、2日目のYoung Researchers Conferenceでは、静岡大学の大学院から21名、招聘大学の大学院から10名が参加し、研究発表を行いました。浜松からも12名が参加し、静岡大学修士課程の全6専攻(理学・農学・情報学・工学・人文社会・教育)の分野の発表がありました。招聘大学の教員が各分科会のチェアを務め、15分間の発表の後に、質疑応答を行いました。日頃の研究活動の成果を英語で発表し、チェアや静岡大学の教員との質疑応答を通して、研究の知見を広げる機会となりました。



参加総数:約70名 うち、海外招聘者(教員 8名  学生 10名)

海外協定校 8大学

⟨ 参加大学 ⟩






